地點:騰訊會議 665-612-523
內容提要:While past research has recognized that supervisors may encounter ostracism from their subordinates, our understanding remains limited regarding how they cope with such distressful event. We introduce a social hierarchy paradigm that unites the transactional theory of stress with the dual-strategy theory of social rank, aiming to enlighten on the coping mechanisms supervisors deploy in response to follower ostracism. We suggest that supervisors appraise follower ostracism as a potential threat to their power and status. Should ostracism be appraised as a threat to power, supervisors are likely to adopt a higher level of dominance-oriented leadership as a coping mechanism. Alternatively, should it be perceived as a threat to status, a more prestige-oriented leadership becomes their chosen coping strategy. Regarding the consequences these approaches, we suggest that coping through a higher level of dominance-oriented leadership can exacerbate subordinate ostracism and escalate group-level work tension over time. In contrast, coping through a more prestige-oriented leadership style can decrease follower ostracism and group-level work tension over time. We probe the influence of supervisors' social value (agentic and communal) as the contingency for the appraisal process. Two independent longitudinal studies fully supported our theoretical model. The findings of this research offer intuitive insights for the study of workplace ostracism and carry significant implications for both theory and practice.
馬捷,暨南大學管理學院企業管理系副教授,心理學科學碩士OETY欧亿導師🦸🏽。2018年博士畢業於美國Hofstra University心理學系,獲應用組織心理學博士學位🌤。先後任教於美國Hofstra University心理學系(兼職教授)、蘭州大學管理學院(副教授)🏊👨🏿🚒。其主要的研究領域包括職場壓力源✌🏼、積極心理學、人格與個體差異📡。其研究成果發表至Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology等組織行為/應用心理學旗艦期刊🗝。其主編的學術專著Workplace Ostracism: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences由世界三大出版商之一Palgrave Macmillan出版發行。